When colleagues become friends everyone wins!

You work desk to desk eight hours a day. They go to lunch together. At some point, they have their first after-work beer together. And suddenly colleagues become friends. And that’s a good thing, but not welcome in every company. Actually incomprehensible, because companies can also benefit from it.

Do you remember the summer fairy tale? And the soundtrack for it?

“Who is freezing us this moment? It couldn’t be better! Think of the days that are behind us, how long we have been sharing joy and tears. Here everyone walks through the fire for everyone, we are never alone in the rain. ”

Friendships in the workplace make you happy

The song of praise could not be more appropriate. After a great evening with friends, the song was created, Bourani explained in interviews. He wanted to write a “hymn to friendship”.

And that also fits in with good teams in the workplace. Because there are usually not just colleagues on a project – but friends who work together.

The Importance of Workplace Friendships | BioSpace

A trend: elbow mentality and fierce competition in the workplace are gradually becoming obsolete, as a survey by Robert Half of more than 23,000 employees in Australia, Belgium, Great Britain, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and the USA shows:

  • 81% harmonize with colleagues in their own team.
  • 68% have the feeling that the individual teams within the company work well together.
  • 62% have good friends at work.
  • Employees who have a good relationship with their colleagues are 2.7 times happier at work than those who don’t.

Colleague friendships also harbor the potential for conflict

Friendships at work are now so common that there is even a name for them: “Frollegen” – a cross between the terms “friends” and “colleagues”.

It wasn’t always like this. For a long time, the maxim was to separate personal and professional life. Because of course there is also the potential for conflict when colleagues become friends. Those who open up also make themselves vulnerable.

This can be used, for example when it comes to managing an exciting new project. Or if one of two colleagues is promoted and faces the office friend as a superior. That can put a strain on the friendship, but it doesn’t have to be.

It is perfectly normal for friendships to develop at work. You spend a lot of time together, go through stressful phases and celebrate success – that connects. Nevertheless, in some companies, it is not welcome when colleagues become close friends.

Some bosses sense revolts and front formation when their employees get along “too well”. Others fear that team members feel excluded when other colleagues have a close bond.

Why companies benefit when colleagues become friends

These are valid concerns, no question about it. But ultimately every company benefits when its employees maintain friendly contact with one another.

“People are definitely the greatest asset of any company. It makes no difference whether it produces cars or cosmetics. A company is only as good as the people who work there. ” – Mary Kay Ash.

In a survey, 62% of employees with complaints said that this had a positive effect on their professional productivity. A clear win-win situation for employees and companies.

Why Workplace Friendships Are Essential to Employee Engagement

Those who have friends at work are happier at work. And happy employees are the most convincing advocates for any company and can therefore contribute significantly to a good image.

Promoting friendships in the workplace: 5 tips for managers

Managers should encourage relationships among their employees that go beyond the purely professional level. We have five tips to look out for:

  1. Opportunity makes friends: For example, offer your employees team-building activities outside the office so that they can get to know each other better.
  2. Pay attention to the external impact: For many applicants, a friendly atmosphere is an important factor when deciding for or against a job offer. Therefore, address your good corporate culture in job interviews.
  3. Favorites are a no-go: You get along better with some people than with others; this is completely normal. But even if it is difficult: Treat all members of your team equally – be friendly and fair to everyone. Nobody should feel left out.
  4. Proximity through technology: Communication tools such as Skype, Google Hangouts, Slack, or Zoom promote exchange in teams. Especially when not all members are in one office. Then the tools not only ensure more efficient cooperation in real-time, text messages, or video chat meetings also promote a feeling of togetherness.
  5. Show how it’s done: Are there employees who have achieved great things with mutual help? Then praise it in front of others – in the highest tones. Your euphoria can infect the team – and thus promote a positive work culture that is characterized by empathy, cooperation, and a desire for innovation.

How to become a “colleague”: 5 tips for friendship between colleagues

In your job, there are only colleagues, no friends? That can be changed if you want! But as easy as in kindergarten, wherewith a “Do you want to play with me?” the foundation stone for a friendship was already laid, it is no longer. But a few simple tricks can help turn colleagues into friends.

  1. Show empathy: Show understanding for your colleagues – and their problems. Put yourself in their shoes. In this way, you can find out what they need at work and where they might be pinched. With this, you prove yourself as a real team player and trustworthy contact person.
  2. Get involved: Team events and other company activities are ideal for building a relationship with your colleagues. If there are internal offers, such as company sports, interest groups, etc., then use them actively.
  3. Surprise with friendliness: Just be nice! This helps. Not only to the person you spontaneously do something good for, but also to yourself. According to studies, this lowers your own stress level.
  4. Set limits: This is an important prerequisite for a functioning office friendship. Clarify with your colleagues which personal information should remain private and stick to it. Also important: The friendly atmosphere you have with each other must not, under any circumstances, disturb your colleagues at work.
  5. Praise and be praised: Positive feedback makes everyone happy and creates closeness. Although it’s your boss’s job to praise colleagues for a job well done, just do it. Even a “thank you” can be the beginning of a happy office friendship.

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